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Our Programs & Services

Our programs are available to all current and former sex workers, and we operate on a self-disclosure/trust-based model. We are always looking for new + creative program/workshop offerings and prioritize working with current/former sex workers to facilitate programming!

Connect with our Program Staff directly using the corresponding contact information, or reach out to our General Inquiries Team with any questions about our programs, services and collaboration opportunities.


We've got virtual and physical copies of up-to-date Bad Date Lists for sex workers looking to access info and report on negative experiences.

Looking for Bad Date Books?

We offer three weekly drop in programs and a host of monthly workshops with themes ranging from skills-based tips and tricks to personal, professional and mental health development. 

Searching for Workshops & Community Spaces?


We offer safer sex/safer use supplies to current and former sex workers free of charge. Stop by our programming or place an order for free home delivery anywhere in Toronto! We collaborate with events, venues and other sex-positive spaces to fulfil larger supply orders as well- get in touch!

Looking for Harm Reduction Supplies?

We offer short and long-term Case Management services to support current/former sex workers with short, medium and long-term needs. 

In need of personalized supports?

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Incall: Monthly Drop In Programming for Male-Identified Sex Workers

Pride Flags

Our HIV/Harm Reduction Program hosts a monthly drop in space for male-identified sex workers to meet, connect and take up topic discussions, workshops, creative programming/events that speak to a wide-range of needs in community. 

To learn more about Incall, connect with our HIV/Harm Reduction Program Manager, Michael Burtch at 

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Between The Covers: Monthly Book Club for Current/Former Sex Workers

Books and Magazines

Our HIV/Harm Reduction Program hosts a monthly Book Club, "Between The Covers" for current/former sex workers to connect over sex positive literature and take up topic discussions on themes related to current events, personal needs and much more! 

To learn more about Incall, connect with our HIV/Harm Reduction Program Manager, Michael Burtch at 

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Monthly Vaccine, Testing and Healthcare Clinics 

Doctor's Desk

Our Drop In and Parenting Programming at Maggie's works with culturally-specific, sex positive community health centres and healthcare providers to offer monthly clinics providing access to testing, vaccines and broader healthcare services. 

To learn more about our monthly clinics, please contact our Case Management Director Jenna Hynes at 

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Monthly Kit-Making: Street Outreach/Community Engagement


Our Street Outreach and Community Engagement Program hosts monthly Kit Making Groups with community engaged through our Street Outreach programming to discuss topics specific to street-based sex workers, criminalized and unhoused populations while building out our harm reduction kits for outreach. 

To learn more about our Street Outreach and Community Engagement Program, contact our Street Outreach and Community Engagement Coordinator Lichelle at

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Monthly Workshop Series:
HIV/Harm Reduction Program


Our HIV/Harm Reduction Program hosts regular workshops for male identified sex workers with a focus on LGBTQ2s+ communities. 

Themes range from HIV/STBBI education, community-driven discussions on sex work, navigating stigma and other best practices. 

To learn more about our HIV/Harm Reduction Program, contact our HIV/Harm Reduction Program Manager, Michael Burtch at 

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Monthly Workshop Series:
Ballroom Empowerment Program


Our Ballroom Empowerment Program runs monthly workshops specific to personal and professional development, financial empowerment and community-driven discussions on key topics, themes and current events impacting Toronto's local Ballroom scene. 

To learn more about our Ballroom Empowerment Program, get in touch with our Program Manager Tamar Carter at

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Monthly Workshop Series:
Sex Worker Parenting Program


Our Parenting Program offers monthly workshops specific to the needs of current and former sex workers interested in family planning, parents, caregivers and chosen family. 

From family planning to key considerations in child development, education, navigating caregiving for neurodivergent youth and family law workshops, we offer a range of responsive topics, community-driven discussion and creative arts spaces for community members. 

Connect with our Drop In Program Coordinator for more information. 

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Monthly Workshop Series:
Real Work Group


Our Real Work Group series is dedicated to tips and tricks for sex workers looking for skills-based seminars on best practices, challenges and community-driven discussion/collaboration. 

From digital security, payment processing, legal regulation and policing to transitioning within, between in and out of various industries, our Real Work Group is a space to connect directly with other workers. 

To learn more about our Real Work Group, connect with our General Inquiries Team at 

Our Monthly Workshops & Events

We offer a wide-range of monthly workshops and community-specific events for current and former sex workers.

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Weekly Street Outreach


Our Street Outreach and Community Engagement Program runs weekly street outreach programming out of Toronto's downtown core and downtown east end, distributing safer sex and safer drug use supplies, providing referrals and realtime healthcare services to communities navigating complex forms of criminalization, discrimination and exclusion. 

To learn more about our Street Outreach and Community Engagement Program, opportunities to donate supplies or collaborate, please connect with our Director of Strategic Planning, Nadine Casemore 

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Weekly Venue-Based Outreach


Our HIV/Harm Reduction Program runs weekly outreach to bars, clubs and sex positive spaces such as sex club and bathhouses in Toronto's downtown core, offering safer sex supplies and a broad range of harm reduction supplies, referral services and access to HIV/STBBI (sexually transmitted blood borne infections) education, resources, testing and healthcare. 

To learn more about our HIV/Harm Reduction Program's venue-based outreach, or to arrange services for your sex positive venue, event or club-space, please contact our HIV/Harm Reduction Program Manager, Michael Burtch 

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Weekly Client Support Days


Our Street Outreach and Community Engagement Program offers weekly Client Support Days to street-based and unhoused sex workers in Toronto's downtown core. 

Client support days provide opportunities to help community members navigate complex systems, volunteer and gain professional experience, and access referrals, ongoing case management support and more. 

To learn more about our Client Support Days please contact our Director of Strategic Planning, Nadine Casemore at

Our Weekly Outreach Programming

Learn more about our outreach services and personalized support options for current/former sex workers.

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Weekly Vogue/Ballroom Empowerment Drop In (Tuesdays)


Our Tuesday Vogue Drop In in collaboration with the Toronto Kiki Ballroom Alliance is a central community-building space for our Ballroom Empowerment Program. 

Located near Fort York the Tuesday evening drop in features dedicated instruction from local legends, community-building exercises and hot meals for all attendees. 

To learn more and RSVP please contact our Ballroom Empowerment Program Manager Tamar Carter at

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Weekly Caregiver & Parenting Drop In Programming (Thursdays)


Our Parenting Program offers community-building space, resources, workshops and referral services specific to the needs of sex working parents, caregivers and chosen family.

From arts-based, creative arts sessions to guest workshops on child development, family planning and navigating complex needs around parenting, family planning, and sex worker-specific laws, we offer a wide range of community spaces. 

To learn more about the Parenting Program and our program schedule connect with our Drop In Coordinator Willow 

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Weekly All Sex Worker Community
Drop In (Fridays)


Our Drop In Program offers a weekly community space for all current and former sex workers at our space in downtown Toronto with meal programming.

Our scheduling alternates between virtual and in-person services, please connect with our team in advance to confirm our program schedule and to access the address. 

To learn more about our Drop In Programming and updated program schedule, please contact our Drop In Coordinator Willow at

Our Weekly Drop In Programming

Learn more about our weekly drop in programming.

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Harm Reduction Counters


Our HIV/Harm Reduction Program runs weekly harm reduction counters out of our drop in programming, offering a host of safer sex and safer use supplies to community members looking to stock up on supplies. 

To learn more about our Harm Reduction Counters, please connect with our HIV/Harm Reduction Program Manager, Michael Burtch at 

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Free Home Delivery Service


Our Ballroom Empowerment Program runs a free Harm Reduction Supply Home Delivery Service for community members across Toronto and the GTA. 

We engage volunteers to discreetly deliver harm reduction supplies direct to your door- whether you're opting for a few specific supplies or looking to stock up your incall, we'll bring safer sex/use materials right to your door! 

To learn more about our Harm Reduction Supply/Home Delivery Program, please connect with our Ballroom Empowerment Program Manager Tamar Carter at 

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Venue/Event Collaborations


Our HIV/Harm Reduction Program collaborates with a wide-range of venues such as sex clubs, bars, bathhouses and sex positive event spaces to offer recurring access to large scale harm reduction supply orders. 

Our staff team across programs also offers harm reduction services/supports on-site at events, such as monitoring services, training/education and tabling at sex-positive events. 

To learn more about opportunities to collaborate, please contact our HIV/Harm Reduction Program Manager, Michael Burtch at 

Our Harm Reduction Supply Programming

We're getting safer sex and safer use supplies to current/former sex workers across the GTA- here's how:

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Street-Based Sex Worker Supports


Our Street Outreach and Community Engagement Program offers direct outreach and ongoing engagement/support to street-based sex workers through collaborative work with our Case Management Program, community building spaces, volunteer and professional experience through outreach support,  workshop development and more. 

To learn more and connect with our Street Outreach and Community Engagement Program connect with our Director of Strategic Planning (Street Outreach), Nadine Casemore at 

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QT/BIPOC Sex Worker Supports


Our Ballroom Empowerment Program works with community members in Toronto's Ballroom scene including a range of queer and trans, Black and Indigenous communities of colour, LGBTQ2s+ youth and others. 

BEP runs weekly drop in programming ranging from Vogue-style dance classes to financial empowerment, personal and professional development series and referrals to internal and external supports and access to harm reduction supplies. 

To learn more about our Ballroom Empowerment Program, contact our Program Manager Tamar Carter at

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Male Identified Sex Worker Supports


Our HIV/Harm Reduction Programming offers tailored workshops, resources and supports to male-identified sex workers with a focus on LGBTQ2s+ communities. 

From regular workshop series to recreational and creative arts programming, community-driven discussion groups and sex positive multi-media and literature-based discussion groups, we offer a wide range of community building spaces for male-identified sex workers. 

To learn more about our HIV/Harm Reduction Programming, contact our Program Manager Michael Burtch at 

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Sex Working Parents & Caregiver Services/Supports

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Our Sex Worker Parenting Program offers a wide range of community-specific resources, supports and workshops for parents, caregivers, chosen family and community members exploring family planning options. 

Our scheduling alternates between virtual and in-person services, please connect with our team in advance to confirm our program schedule and to access the address. 

To learn more about our Sex Worker Parenting Programming and updated program schedule, please contact our Drop In Coordinator Willow at

Our Community-Specific Programming

Sex workers come from all walks of life- we offer community-specific services to current/former sex workers.

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Application Support and
Accompaniment Services

Design Paper

Our Case Management Program offers ongoing support to community members navigating complex systems, completing applications or looking for accompaniment services across a wide-range of personal/professional contexts: 

From support with OW/ODSP applications to information and referrals to legal services/supports, accompaniments to medical appointments, court dates and other points of contact with the criminal justice system, we offer long-term supports and ongoing follow up, planning and development supports to current and former sex workers.

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Ongoing Follow-Up, Referrals and Collaborative Advocacy

Pride Parade

Through our partnerships with culturally-specific community health centres and healthcare providers, legal experts and community organizations, we offer current and former sex workers a wide range of referrals  to sex-worker friendly, low barrier services. 

Our  Case Management Programming is rooted in collaborative models of advocacy- we support current/former sex workers in determining what living, working (or exiting) and thriving in community means to them on their terms. 

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Personalized Safety/Personal
Planning Supports


Our Case Workers offer short and long-term planning supports tailored to the needs of current and former sex workers. 

Whether you're looking for support budgeting, in need of safety planning supports or looking to access post-secondary education, family plan or navigate major milestones, career transitions or other considerations, we're here to support every step of the way! 

Contact our Case Management Director Jenna Hynes at for more information on self + client-referrals and opportunities for collaboration. 

Our Case Management Services

We offer personalized supports to current/former sex workers through short, medium and long-term case management.

Still Have Questions?

We have answers! Learn more about our programming and services for current + former sex workers across the GTA. 

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